We all go through it! Many times.We feel tormented between our minds and hearts. Personally, i never care who is in charge. I am fine with both. They take good care of one another: my heart is rational and my mind is emotional. So its pretty much settled in peace.No authority struggles or !predicted coups!.
However, the problem arises when the pride is instigated...oops..Marshal command phase starts both heart are mind is ignored and only the voice of pride is heard.
But you know what? the harder is the heart-heart or mind-mind struggles. They are painful and so draining. When it is the mind-heart you see two different rationales, strategies, causes, reasons, conclusions/ Very definite that you can choose clearly the side you want to be on. But when it is heart -heart its bewildering, same rationale used to prove or forfeit the argument, same feelings used to support and denounce it, same reasons are used to hate and love.
This is where i stand crippled...Wondering which way to go...
And this is the same point where in full submission I turn to GOD seeking HIS help and insight to guide me through
till the next thought...Stay in Peace:)).