Monday, February 16, 2009

خلى عيينك فى وسط راسك ...فا ايه؟

خلى عينيكى فى وسط راسك ...فا ايه؟ -

الاسبوع اللى فات ده اتقالتلى من اكتر من حد فى مواقف مختلفة و انا كان ردى كل مرة "ان شاء الله"من غير ما فكر ... بعدين قلت لنفسى يعنى ايه اخلى عينيا فى وسط راسى؟؟

التعبيرده زى ما كلنا عارفين بيستخدم لما حد يحب يخليك- اكثر حذرا

بس يعنى ايه برضه اخلى عينيا فى وسط راسى؟

م انا مش حاشوف الجناب كده و لا حاشوف يمينى و لا شمالى

ناهيكوا عن الشكل العجيب اللى حاكون فيه عينتينى الاتنين فوق مناخيرى تحت الجبهة مباشرة.. يا ستاااار

مش شايفة اى اضافة لانتباهى و درجة حذرى بل هى انتكاسة

انا اللى شاغلنى اول واحد طلع التعبير .. عايزة بحاول افهم الفكرة جاتله ازاى؟

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Differently alike, or similarly different?!!!!!

Sob7an ALLAH- What a real Marvel GOD is and is manifested in HIS creations.

All humanbeings, trillions all over the world:have heads, hair, legs, hands, feet , hearts, brains etc. Yet every single one is unique, it has its own special DNA. Has its own special way of thinking, behaving..etc. WOW~!!!
What does this tell us...?? the way i read it... we should appreciate the difference that comes in a friendly, common, much similar format. Because lets imagine if every difference or variation whether:bahavioral, intellectual, physical manifested itself in a different format, it would be a real horror. I differ in opinion and vision with you nails grow and my ears lengthen,and my teeth projects!! If you go to see the Asians as small twisted looking crocodiles, the africans as black monkeys, the westerns as white snail-like creatures...and this would be a way to recognize who is coming from where!!!!! That would be one hell of a jurrasic life.

So people have the same format that encompasses a wide range of difference. Or maybe it will be better stated if we say that they are different with a wide range of similarity...oh!!not better. Well the point is: we are differently alike..or may be similarly different...ahhhh...i give up.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lost and found..or maybe better not?!

During the past three years i kept leaking many things that used to add up to the joy and laughter in my life. Lost them, forgot them, missed them, then decided to fetch them and stick to them again. Despite the fact that they were replaced by other forms of joy, i found myself still missing something. To name a few: contemplation, guitar-playing, tennis, movie-mania, readings. When i was typing previous line i found myself saying: but you still do this stuff ...i do.. but not as i used to. The flavour is there but not as strong. It makes you feel you need more.
So, i think it is important that every now and then you sit and write your version of "Lost and Found" and see what you need to fetch and what you are happy losing :-).

وكأن الفكرة لم تكن

و يبدأ يوم جديد مع اذان فجرمطمئن و اقوم فأنفض النوم بصعوبة عن عينيا واسأل نفسى ما اذا كانت ستقبل صلاتى و انا فى مثل هذه الحالة المزرية من الكسل و الانتخة . من اللحظة الأولى تبدأ الافكار تتزاحم فى عقلى الواعى و الباطن. فبعضهم يحلق بعيدا مدفوع برغبة داخلية فى نفيه و المتبقى يحدق فيي منتظرا اجابة او حل منطقى نهائي... فأبدى تجاهل متعمد... تتوالى الاحداث و تمخض افكار ...الافكار تتزاحم لتظفر بإهتمام.... و يستمر الوضع على ما هو عليه

فطرأت على بالى فكرة : ماذا لو ملت الافكار من العودة كل يوم لتواجه مصيركئيب من اثنبن اما النفى أو التجاهل؟।

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