Tuesday, October 13, 2009

There i go:-)

I've always felt that i was in search of a bigger goal. But it only hit me hard when a month after attending a life-coaching training with life coaching egypt.

And it became crystal clear for me...

My life purpose is to initiate, develop and excel in Marketing Values(ethical, societal..etc) which after a couple of years from now may become exactly like a product with no demand...there might be a want but not the will/ability to use the product...when that happens i will be ready to package the VALUE communicate the value and help derlivering the value in most people's lives.

Market:Egypt and the Arab world...then the whole world.

Segment: youth and future parents

What is keeping me?!!!

Acquiring the proper basic knowledge and wisdom (currently in process)...also currently in process too: doing the proper analysis of the status quo and some forcasting that would help me intricately plan my strategic vision.

I am writing this statement with my full sanity. Allah elmosta3an isa (pleeding for God's support)


  1. (agmal hdya rabena ba3tha lel koun) rabena yhmeeeeeely yarab w y7fazeeeek w ykhaliky yarab lya w yb3ed 3ank ay shar
    hya de NEHOOOOOZ agmal ma fil wgoud,rabena yhmeeeeeky yarab, LOVE U MORE THAN I CAN EXPRESS

  2. A valuable ambition that can effortlessly inspire different patterns of change.

    I truly admire your ambitious concerns and interests and wishing you, sincerely, what can aid you considerably in satisfying your vivid dreams:).

    I would like to personally thank you for giving my mental expressions a room to be stated as a teenstuffer!

  3. Very inspiring would like to read more

  4. @ reem thanks ya habebty for your sweet wordss
    @hazem your reply is v insipiring in a way, thanks dear
    @wahib, thank you for your words, i really want to write but i seldom find the time,i hope i can do it more often
